Participatory planning for sustainable development
Aldea Global is part of the FSC pesticide policy adjustment working group

Meeting in Brasil, Canadá and Portugal- 2017. Aldea Global is part of the FSC pesticide policy adjustment working group.

In 2016 FSC ( established the Pesticides Policy Working Group (PPWG) to revise the FSC Pesticides Policy (FSC-POL-30-001) with the objective of identifying the best feasible approach to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in FSC certified forests and to prevent, minimize and mitigate the related environmental and social impacts.

The PPWG has developed the first draft of the FSC Pesticides Policy and it is now open for public consultation. The PPWG and the FSC Forest Management Program would like to invite you to provide feedback by 29th October 2017.

A questionnaire in English and Spanish has been designed for your participation and can be accessed using the following link: (Please, note that you need to register or log in before you can access the consultation).

We are interested in your feedback on the Policy overall, including your views on the proposed risk-based approach and the associated implementation procedures. We are also seeking your suggestions on how to improve the Policy, or alternative approaches to elements of the policy that may be considered in the further development of this document.

On behalf of the PPWG and FSC Forest Management team, many thanks for your feedback. For more information, please get in touch with us at

More information about the revision process and the webinars can be found

Side event at the FSC General Assembly in Vancouver (Canada)

The FSC Forest Management Program and the PPWG will conduct a side meeting about the revision of the FSC Pesticides Policy at the FSC General Assembly 2017. This is a unique opportunity for us to collectively speak with stakeholders from all chambers, encourage lively discussion and receive your valuable feedback. We hope to meet you there!

Corporación Aldea Global

Manizales, Colombia
+57 3176435546
+57 3164828859,
Manizales, Colombia
+57 3176435546
+57 3164828859,
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