Participatory planning for sustainable development
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Participatory Construction Model

  Community participation strategy

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Social participation is a guarantor in the appropriation processes, making sure that their inherent practices and community outreach are present, in a solidarity and collaborative context.

The identification of the community’s basic needs guarantees social strengthening and causes the community to become involved in a variety of processes due to the fact that from the initial analysis, management alternatives for the community and institutions are found.

Some of the implemented methodologies

  • Technology transfer tours and ecological tours: To learn about a successful experience with the purpose of appropriation of practices to be replicated in their area.
  • Fieldtrip: Development of practices through the “learn as you do” methodology, in which producers incorporate new experiences and feedback their knowledge.
  • Social cartography: Planning and social transformation tool that is used to support community organization processes through decentralized planning.
  • Workshops: Working methodology to generate education, training, reflection and analysis of the projects being developed.
  • Clubs: Analysis and discussions about a topic, from experience and perception. People invited can contribute to the discussion procuring an improvement of issues present in the territory.

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Watershed councils

River watershed councils are a place for participation of social stakeholders for learning and joint planning of activities that seek more sustainable land use in the area.

Friends network

Informal social structure that brings together a variety of stakeholders from the area (civil society, companies, base communities).

Social business

business initiatives that started up from the communities that participate in the projects.

  Citizen and community environmental culture

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The focus of our work articulates four pillars:

  • Development of Citizen and Community Environmental Awareness: Through environmental education and training, cultural conditions are created to understand and transform environmental challenges into opportunities for development. Environmental education can prepare communities with the critical, technical and practical knowledge necessary to transform practices in line with current realities, recover ancestral practices for communities, and develop connections and values that prepare communities for today’s environmental challenges.
  • Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP): GAP is the set of principles, standards, and technical recommendations for the production, processing, and transportation of food, aimed at protecting the hygiene, human health, and the environment. GAP methods are recognized as environmentally safe, hygienically acceptable, and economically feasible.All projects and technical support provided by the Aldea Global Corporation have as a principle the respect for communities, for the land, and for the relationship with the environment. Thus, conceptual and technical implementations are developed under agro-ecological and organic perspectives in a manner that is most natural and respectful of the community, its people, and nature. This perspective allows for the sustainability of long term production and recognizes the experience and wisdom of the people on their land and the possibilities of combining long standing practices with modern methods. The Aldea Global Corporation’s integration of popular knowledge and scientific technical inputs permits advances in sustainable development among communities targeted for intervention.

Corporación Aldea Global

Manizales, Colombia
+57 3176435546
+57 3164828859,
Manizales, Colombia
+57 3176435546
+57 3164828859,
logotipo bwagency
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