Hydrographic basin planning
The protection, improvement and restoration of Central Andean watersheds are of vital importance for the development of – not only – rural communities. That’s the reason why Corporación Aldea Global has been participating in projects that involve risk management and participatory planning and regulation of key watersheds.
The main purpose of this project is to provide environmental education to local stakeholders and to assess risks related to flooding and landslides in this watershed. In addition, the generation of additional income through the Social Business approach to communities provides them with better living conditions.
Ecopetrol, Corpocaldas, Grameen Caldas and Corporación Aldea Global. Also, with support of Universidad Nacional sede Manizales and Actuar Famiempresas.
Management and sustainability of construction for erosion control with social engagement in the sextor “Baldosas del Norte”in the town of Neira, Caldas (Corpocaldas) (2004 – 2005).
Immediate Action Plans PAI are an instrument to guide was developed by the departmental environmental authority, Corpocaldas in 2008. Aldea Global, has been actively engaged in designing and managing a variety of actions around the PAIs since the design and creation of this tool, especially in the departments of Caldas, Risaralda and Tolima.
Under the slogan “Alliances for life” (“alianzas para la vida”), the PAI are created as a result of needs identified by social actors, where everyone of them is commited to an inter-institutional coordinated process, in association with strategic stakeholders linked to the territory.
The regulation and management of watersheds are laid down in plans (POMA) as established in the decree 1729 of 2002. POMA’s are developed in 5 phases: Preparation, assessment, prospective scenario building, formulation, implementation, and assessment & follow-up.